October 17, 2024
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The Journey of ECHO and the Heart Stone

 Format: Interactive Multimedia Flipbook  Author: Jim Long  Publisher: Jellybean Media Group  Pages: 32  Read NOW


  • Online Interactive Multimedia Flipbook
  • Audio Narration
  • Video
  • Quiz
  • Printable Pages


Introduction to Echo and the Forest
Introducing Echo, a young elephant who lives in a vibrant forest.
Echo is known for being very emotional and sensitive to the feelings of others.
The forest is a place where animals talk about emotions openly, and Echo is on a quest to find the legendary Heart Stone,
said to grant understanding of the deepest emotions.
Echo returns to the forest, now wiser and more emotionally intelligent.
The animals celebrate Echo’s journey and the lessons shared with them.
Echo takes on the role of the forest’s emotional guide, helping other animals understand and express their feelings.

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