March 11, 2025
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Fruits of the Spirit

 Format: Interactive Multimedia Flipbook  Author: Team Jellybean  Publisher: Jellybean Media Group  Published: 2025  Pages: 136  Reading Age: Adult, Teens More Details  Read NOW

Reading through the Gospels, one might think that Jesus was a farmer rather than a carpenter.

He so often spoke of vines, branches, seeds, and fruit, using them as analogies as he brought his good news to the world.

In John 15, Jesus describes himself as a vine with his Father as the husbandman, or vinedresser.

God the Father faithfully tends to this vine, removing and discarding any branches that are not bearing fruit while carefully pruning the good branches to increase their fruit production.

“The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering. gentleness. goodness, faithfulness, meekness, and temperance…” (Galations 5 22)

These traits are perfectly demonstrated by God, and he calls his children to do the same with the help of the Holy Spirit

