October 17, 2024
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Batty Catty

 Format: Interactive Multimedia Flipbook  Author: Richard Gunther  Grade Level: 1st Grade, 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade, 4th Grade  Publisher: Jellybean Media Group  Published: 2024  Pages: 72  Language: English  Tags: catsdogs |  Read NOW


Richard Gunther’s remarkable book selection introduces seven significant concepts drawn from the Bible. Centered around a cat named Batty Catty, each story intricately weaves around different verses, depicting how his actions resonate with biblical teachings.
The first story reflects upon 1 Timothy 6:6, emphasizing the value of contentment with godliness. In the second tale, Philippians 4:12 serves as its backbone. Moving forward, story three delves into 1 John 3:1, highlighting the profound love bestowed upon humanity by the divine.
The narrative of the fourth story draws from 1 Thessalonians 2:13, expressing gratitude for receiving and embracing the Word of God. Transitioning to story five, 1 Timothy 5:18 underscores the principle that labor deserves its rightful reward.
In the sixth story, Batty Catty’s birthday celebration mirrors the wisdom advocated in Proverbs 13:1, emphasizing the importance of heeding parental guidance. Finally, story seven brings 2 Corinthians 3:2 to life, illustrating how one’s life can be a living testament to faith, observable and understood by all.


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